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View National Security Appeals Panel (NSAP) decisions

Most recent decisions
(by date order)

Jurisdictional area Case Title and Reference Date Case Summary Appeal
Other relevant cases
The Common Services Agency v The Scottish Information Commissioner
Additional Party
[2006] CSIH 58
01/12/2006 HL
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Dr Christopher Lamb v IC
Additional Party
16/11/2006 Yes
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Peter Quinn v IC
Additional Party Home Office
15/11/2006 Yes
Freedom of Information Act 2000
The Department of Trade and Industry v IC
Additional Party
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Oxford City Council and Christopher Martin Hogan v IC
Additional Party
EA/2005/0026, EA/2010/0030
17/10/2006 Yes
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Information Tribunal (Enforcement Appeals) Rules 2005 as amended
Dr Peter Bowbrick v IC
Additional Party Nottingham City Council
28/09/2006 Yes
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Glen Marlow v IC (determined without a hearing)
Additional Party
31/08/2006 Yes
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Steven Sugar v IC (Jurisdiction)
Additional Party The British Broadcasting Corporation
29/08/2006 Yes HL
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Steven Sugar v IC (Derogation)
Additional Party The British Broadcasting Corporation
29/08/2006 Yes CA
Freedom of Information Act 2000
A v IC
Additional Party
11/07/2006 Yes

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