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View National Security Appeals Panel (NSAP) decisions

Most recent decisions
(by date order)

Jurisdictional area Case Title and Reference Date Case Summary Appeal
Data Protection Act 1998
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Julian Farrand v Information Commissioner
Additional Party London Fire Brigade
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Stephen Wears v IC
Additional Party
21/10/2013 Dismissed
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Liz Turner v IC
Additional Party Ministry of Justice
18/10/2013 Dismissed
Environmental Information Regulations 2004
Department for Education v IC
Additional Party
EA/2013/0107 & 0108
18/10/2013 Dismissed
The Tribunal Procedure (First-tier Tribunal) (General Regulatory Chamber) Rules 2009
Robert Capewell v IC
Additional Party Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs
15/10/2013 Struck Out
Freedom of Information Act 2000
King's College, Cambridge v IC
Additional Party John Lee
EA/2012/0049 & EA/2012/0085
15/10/2013 Part Allowed
Privacy & Electronic Communications Regulations 2003
Christopher Niebel v Information Commissioner
Additional Party
14/10/2013 Allowed
Data Protection Act 1998
Christopher Niebel v Information Commissioner
Additional Party
14/10/2013 Allowed
Environmental Information Regulations 2004
Stephen Booth v IC
Additional Party
14/10/2013 Dismissed
The Tribunal Procedure (First-tier Tribunal) (General Regulatory Chamber) Rules 2009
H. Robinson v IC
Additional Party
11/10/2013 Withdrawn

Displaying results 2101 to 2110 (of 3167)
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